3 reasons why you should go to Sky Garden!

Sky Garden London Doyouspeaklondon

One of London’s assets are the many green spaces. But these green areas are not systematically related to parks. London also offers rooftop gardens that you can visit -sometimes for free, as it is the case at Sky Garden -you heard me!- the only requirement being that you book your visit ahead. I recently took the opportunity to go to Sky Garden and was totally seduced by the place.
Today, DOYOUSPEAKLONDON invits you to discover the 3 reasons why you should absolutely go to Sky Garden!

Sky Garden deserves its name!

Sky Garden is known as “The enlarged glass dome of 20 Fenchurch Street”, which is noticeable from quite far away. Up there, the sky is the only limit …
This famous skyscraper in London dedicates its last three storeys to beautiful landscaped gardens with an amazing view over London’s iconic places.
The “London’s highest garden” combines the transparency of the big windows with the green colors coming from tropical trees and – that was a happy coincidence the day I went  there -the blue of the sky.
From the bottom of 20 Fenchurch Street, the view is breathtaking …

A 360 degree view of London

Sky Garden offers several observation desks and terraces (including one open air terrace), which makes the place the perfect spot to have an overlook of the city and the Thames.
The view over London’s iconic buildings is awesome…
The Shard, Saint-Paul’s Cathedral, The Tower of London, the Tower Bridge, even Canary Wharf in the distance… All iconic buildings seem all very close from up there!
Sky Garden gives the opportunity to discover London from a different perspective and you can realize the huge diversity in architectural styles.

Architectural photography

I am very fond of architectural photography and Sky Garden is the perfect place to play with lines and curves, contrasts in materials and colors, reflections …
I could not help photographing every angles of Sky Garden, as  the whole place was so photogenic. The sun also helped me capture the best of the building that day !
Modern architecture is sometimes just meant to give us the opportunity to enjoy a breathtaking view and Londoners (or visitors) are quite lucky to be able to visit this place for free.
In my opinion, Sky Garden is a must-see when visiting London, as you’ll discover the city from a different viewpoint. Just remember to book in advance!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and found inspiration here. If you are planning to explore Sky Garden soon, please share your experience and opinion on DOYOUSPEAKLONDON’s blog!

To go further:
Sky Garden: 20 Fenchurch St, London EC3M 8AF

Doyouspeaklondon END Lifestyle Blog

7 thoughts on “3 reasons why you should go to Sky Garden!

  1. myriam says:

    Etonnant ! Londres est une ville pleine de surprises que nous découvrons pas à pas grâce à l’insatiable curiosité de DYSL qui nous transmet ses découvertes avec talent et enthousiasme .

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